Merci pour votre fidélité !

Après de belles années à vous accueillir, je prendrai ma retraire et fermerai les portes de mon domaine le 31 décembre 2024. Je tiens à vous remercier chaleureusement pour tous les précieux moments partagés.

Même si notre aventure se termine ici, je garderai de nombreux souvenirs inoubliables de chaque repas, chaque sourire, et chaque moment passé ensemble. Merci d’avoir fait partie de mon histoire !

Madame Chose


The bubbly, exuberant Madame Chose is a charming old lady. She’s also a true foodie who makes sure to enjoy all of life’s little pleasures. She’s only happy when the people around her are happy. Every day, Madame Chose opens her home to the people she loves and their friends. She invites everyone to take over her backyard each day to experience her unique way of celebrating life.

Hugo Lavallée, her accomplice, makes sure to offer guests exciting local cuisine. He makes a special effort to select natural or organic and environmentally friendly products. Many dishes come in two sizes to encourage discovery and sharing, and there are a number of vegetarian and vegan dishes to enjoy.